It's the golden age of content! Unlimited access to everything. Fiber-optic pornography and high-fructose nihilism. Is this the future we hoped for? No! But will it suffice? Also no!
Let's consider the following - two jews, a prostitute, and a twice-impeached cyber-president walk into a bar. One orders a "Vesper," and the rest ask for diet Pepsi, on the rocks.
The bartender asks if diet coke is okay. But it isn't. It's actually super-not-okay.
What would YOU do in this situation? Let's be honest. You wouldn't do anything. Because you're a whiny little people-pleaser who's had every ounce of dispositional authenticity stripped away from your pretty (yet vapid) flesh computer.
Are you following? Do you see what I'm getting at?
The point is simple - destroy all, change everything. We must eradicate what we know in order to make room for what we don't.
And we must be careful when adhering to rules.
See, the mistake is in thinking that there are rules.
Rule #1: THERE ARE NO RULES. Only tools, and those who are too cowardly to abandon them.
There are no rules. Remember that.
There are NO RULES.