Today was one of those days where I could feel the internet baiting me into procrastination.
Feel like getting shit done today? Well FUCK YOU! Here's a fat helping of outrage to derail your day.
It's really remarkable. And the worst part is it's so easy to spiral after being triggered by something. It's a miracle I got anything done today - but I did. Why? Because I prepared for this!
The trick is to have an emergency protocol - a "BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" type plan. Because I'm a pro. And I've been in the trenches.
See, the internet is vast. Hella vast, in fact. And the odds that you'll stumble across something that will improve your life are devastatingly low. So when you're surfing the web, as our forefathers called it, it's far likelier that you will be tempted down a rabbit hole of useless and often inflammatory information.
The internet is much like quicksand. Would you go sprinting into quicksand without the proper equipment and preparation? Knowing the risks, would you go sprinting into quicksand at all?!